Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Last train fae the Tay Brig Station

D'ye  mind when we rode oot some days on the tram and sailed o'er the Tay on the Fifie?
That wiz in the non-pc days when ye ca'd a woman a wifie.
Eh recall oor mulk was fae the DPM,  and oor links fae Alex Munro.
When flush,  tae the pictures at the Greens Playhouse, when skint tae the fleapit, Rialto.
Oor  hair was trimmed  by Chic Reid or R.S.Peters,
Oor favourite fae Soaves was tuppence worth o' fritters.

Ach but that's a' awa' - change is the nature of the cosmo
Nae mair Aberdeenies  fae Macdougall's , nae fags nor papers fae Kosto's.
Cox's chimney may still stand but there are nae workers in the mill -
Whit's the guid ?  jute, watches, cash registers
Nane'll come back for time has the determination
No ' tae  stick at '57 when the train left the Tay Brig Station.

Last train fae the Tay Brig station
Last train fae the Tay Brig station
Ye'll catch this yin
'n  ye'll never be coming back again
Last train fae the Tay brig station.

O'er the brig the carriages are rollin'
O'er the brig the carriages are rollin'
Doon tae England, doon tae York
whaur noo oor faither diz his work.

60 far years 'n Eh'm still oot there travelling,
60 far years oot there still unravelling,
Whit it signified, Eh couldnae master;
South o'er the brig, och, whit a disaster.

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