Sunday, 29 March 2020

A story about Donald Trump: sources not yet established

     This afternoon a friend of ours told us a story about Donald Trump. She told it over the phone because in these times of special measures she couldn't enter our house but fortunately her voice could. I've confessed all this in case it entered your mind to report me for illicit association.  Here is the tale and please forgive me if you have already heard it from another source. As far as I know it is not fake news. I hope too that it is not overly cruel.

      Five people were flying in a plane, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, the Pope, Angela Merkel and a ten years old boy. The plane developed a fault and was destined to crash but there were only four parachutes to share among the five passengers.. Donald Trump shouted “ I’m a certified genius, the smartest guy on the planet so I must have one!” and he grabbed his and jumped out of the plane. Boris Johnson declared “I’m the prime minister of the United Kingdom so I must have one!” He grabbed one and jumped out. The Pope cried “I am the leader of the catholic world, I must have one!” He took one and jumped. Angela Merkel said to the boy “I’ve led a long life and you have your life before you, you should have the last  parachute. The boy replied “No we can both be saved. The cleverest man  in the world just jumped out of the plane carrying my schoolbag.

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