I live in England and so I will not be voting
in the September 18th, 2014 referendum on Scottish independence. I was born in Scotland, have lived in Scotland, and my parents as well as my forebears were
Scottish, so I think it legitimate for me to express views about the idea of Scottish independence,
a notion which first came to mind over 60 years ago when, as a wee boy of 7 or 8
years in Dundee, my
teachers, Mrs Wilson and Miss Gilchrist, told us about the stirring deeds of those early strugglers for Scottish independence, William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. In the last few months, these memories have returned to me, and I have been fascinated, given that I don’t have a
vote, by how much the discussion about the independence referendum has impacted upon
my feeling and thinking. What follows is
just one example of that.
In recent weeks when I’ve mentioned to friends,
acquaintances and some members of my family that, had I been entitled, I would have voted “Yes” for independence in the forthcoming Scottish referendum, I have been astounded to find I am accused
of over-emotionality and sometimes of anger. I have attempted to dissuade those with whom I have been conversing from holding these notions about my psychological state by providing my rationale of the advantages of independence for Scotland. My explanations have, almost without exception, fallen upon deaf ears and been cut short by the other person. I have
come to believe that when I am putting forward a case for Scottish independence, those I speak with –
all fellow United Kingdom citizens -
begin to feel I am abandoning them.
I experience them as over-possessive, ‘stuck’ parents who can’t let
go of the status quo. It is as if they are saying, “How dare you leave us here
at home after all that we have done for you”.
Let me say I do
not think any Scots who call for independence are in the throes of an adolescent
struggle for adult identity as they ungratefully attempt to break away from their
parents. Scots have been fully grown up
for a long time. Scottish history blazons the Scots' contribution to all aspects of
human life, endeavour and culture, just
as it does their courageous and industrious responses to the misfortunes and injustices foisted upon them, such as, for instance, the highland clearances which forced so many Scots’ families from their homes and shores as a consequence of the avarice of so called "landowners".
Scottish people
are creative and along with this they carry a positive propensity to look out
to the world as well as a capacity to welcome newcomers and take them into
their fold and offer them fully fledged membership of the Scottish community.
The Scottish Parliament - a creative symbol |
This is why, to be sure, an
independent Scotland will be a full and enthusiastic partner in Europe and a
positive force in the wider world.
It will not cry out “No !” as a knee jerk default response to any new idea from so called "foreign fields." The latter is a state of mind represented by the churlish, cynical and destructive attitude struck towards Europe and elsewhere which, sadly, is a cherished monopoly of the current United Kingdom government.
“No” is a turgid word full of fear and inertia. “Yes” is a creative and courageous word full of hope. It provides, without fear, the time for reflection and consideration of new ideas and so makes original and alternative actions
possible. Yes is a word which is symbolic of Scotland.
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